Mauro Alejandro Solalinde I was born on January 22, 1992 in Formosa capital Mabel Gladys am the son of Omar Florencio Villamayor and Solalinde.
In 1997 I began to enter the education system by going to kindergarten 4, the following year to enter school No. 399, "Coast Guard Argentina", under the gaze of teachers from different artistic disciplines concerned with folklore, music and plastic .
In 2005 the age of 13 I began to realize she had a talent for drawing, while conducting Drawings for cotillion, hence my mother wanted me to enter the School of Fine Arts to further especializándome.Ese year enter school at school 27 "Raúl Scalabrini Ortiz", received in the year 2009.
Over the holidays I became interested in fashion design sketching and more. With no resources to go to study in other provinces and in Formosa I have no access to that race, and because of that problem I decided to enroll at the Instituto Superior de Arte "Oscar Alberto Albertazzi" in the career of Visual Arts Faculty, leaving aside the interest in fashion and began to look at the world of skilled craftsmanship in the creation of false windows and the visual arts in the company of my friend, teacher and artist Sergio dellagnolo, which helped me to start my first patches . Then I started to participate in the painting workshops by the teacher and artist Zulma Cardozo, which was also the guide for my knowledge of art, in turn did the pottery workshop by Professor Cesar Cardozo.
That same year I started to make small samples with a single painting of mine in high school where to go and the cultural center of my city with the work of my colleagues in the pintura.También workshop part of the 1st painting contest Instituto Superior de Arte, managing to obtain the 2nd prize with my painting "The family face a future present" and getting very good reviews from various artists such as Gloria Polo Formosa, Delia class international and Jose Candia, also help build exhibitions of other artists such as the Program "Argentina look good" by the curator and art historian Cecilia Rabossi among others.
Currently I am participating in a clinic organized by OSDE art with other artists in my area dictated by the curator Daniel Fischer.
I am also experiencing new works by textures in the media, techniques, incorporating making fake stained glass windows.
At the same time I'm putting together for my first show in conjunction with the artist Sergio Dellagnolo and Horacio Pelayo and a personal exhibition in my hometown, so I hope to reach people, most artists know whether my country and elsewhere.
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